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Just a general computer-related rant...

The overall lack of concern by the average computer user is appalling, especially in reference to routine maintenance and security. For many people, a computer is simply a "tool" - something they use to do a specific task or set of tasks - they don't care how or why it works, but only *that* it works. However, in most cases, tools simply don't work unless one learns how to use and care for them properly.

If you buy a brand new Ford Mustang today, and then proceed to "drive it until it quits" - never changing the oil, never checking tire pressure, never changing the brakes, never flushing the radiatior, and so on, your Mustang probably isn't going to last very long.

By the same token, if you go to the mall and leave the keys in the ignition, the car running, and the windows down, you shouldn't be surprised if you come back to find an empty parking spot.

In the above examples, YOU are clearly at fault for whatever misfortune comes your way as result of your actions (or lack thereof); however, it is commonplace for a person to behave in this same manner with a new computer (never perform maintenance and clean-up routines, never progress past just "using" the machine, never be concerned with security which in essence "opens the door" to every malicious hacker/cracker/script kiddie on the internet, etcetera), yet that person is very quick to blame Dell or Gateway or HP or Radio Shack or the company/ school technology people or whoever for his/her own negligence.

Thanks to TekLinks in Birmingham, AL, for providing colocation and bandwidth.

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